
Our Publications

KPWHRI publicly shares its research findings in peer-reviewed journals.

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Wernli KJ, O’Meara E, Kerlikowske K, Miglioretti D, Muller CY, Onega T, Sprague B, Henderson L, Buist DS. Investigation of mammographic breast density as a risk factor for ovarian cancer. J Nat Cancer Inst. 2014 Jan 1;106(1):djt341. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djt341. Epub 2013 Dec 5. PubMed

Whiteside U, Lungu A, Richards J, Simon GE, Clingan S, Siler J, Snyder L, Ludman E. Designing messaging to engage patients in an online suicide prevention intervention: survey results from patients with current suicidal ideation.  J Med Internet Res. 2014 Feb 7;16(2):e42. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3173. PubMed

Whiteside U, Richards J, Steinfeld B, Simon G, Caka S, Tachibana C, Stuckey S, Ludman E. Online cognitive behavioral therapy for depressed primary care patients: a pilot feasibility project. Perm J. 2014 Spring;18(2):21-7.

Wilkes AL, Jones PL, Morales-Reid B, Ramos B, Vega MY, Scholes D, Farrell D, Edwards A, Polk L. Lessons learned while preparing a tailored, self-help, technology-driven intervention for national dissemination.  AIDS Educ Prev. 2014;26(4):281-95. doi: 10.1521/aeap.2014.26.4.281.  PubMed

Williams EC, Bradley KA, Balderson BH, McClure JB, Grothaus L, McCoy K, Rittmueller SE, Catz SL. Alcohol and associated characteristics among older persons living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy. Subst Abus. 2014;35(3):245-53. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2014.890997. PubMed


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